EcoCdry – Highly efficient vacuum dryer for the special drying of scooping components

Efficient vacuum dryer EcoCdry was developed to utilize flexible cleaning systems at their maximum for the efficient ultrasonic parts cleaning process.

EcoCdry guarantees reliable and faster drying of workpieces with very high residual moisture. To realize the purpose and aim the vacuum dryer is extended with a storage tank which is evacuated in the non-productive times. Workpiece specific suction mould efficiently draws the residual liquids from the component and then vacuum is generated to obtain completely dry workpieces.

  • Highly efficient vacuum dryer for the special drying of scooping components
  • Pulse-like suction of liquids and simultaneous evacuation
  • Elimination of an upstream blowing unit in the EcoCflex 3 possible
  • Workpiece slightly cools down before vacuum drying
  • Vacuum is generated in the non-productive times in the storage tank
  • Significantly reduced cycle time by pre-stressed storage tank
  • Conveyor/ Robot loading
  • Various vacuum pumps options Available
  • Storage vessel mounted directly to the process chamber or up to 10 meters away
  • Compact Plug & Play unit for easy retrofit to existing cleaning systems
  • Short processing times from 1.5 to 3 sec.
  • Less cleaning effort through self-cleaning of the process chamber
  • High process reliability and availability through simple system configuration
  • Approximately 65% more energy efficient than compressed air blowing combined with conventional vacuum drying
  • No more pressure fluctuations in the customer’s compressed air system
  • Easy to retrofit anytime

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