EcoCsteam – Innovative & environmentally friendly cleaning

Based on the high cleaning power of saturated steam vapour, the EcoCsteam technology patented by Ecoclean is able to deeply and rapidly clean surfaces of any type of material – without using any detergents.

The process combines high velocity blown air and steam vapour. The air is heated up and is blown around the vapour jet. Because of the air velocity and the steam characteristics, the two media do not mix with one another and the air acts as a protection for the steam flow which is totally used for cleaning.

The new vapour generation: Continuous flow water heater

Developed with vapour specialists, Ecoclean offers the latest generation of vapour production without a boiler. The continuous flow water heater system offers the best efficiency in vapour production compared to standard units and the best vapour quality.

Water flow, steam flow and heating power are permanently controlled and adapted by the EcoCsteam PLC control system.

Fields of applications

The EcoCsteam process can be used for a huge variety of applications – with regards to parts as well as contamination. Depending on the workpiece dimensions, its material and the cleanliness requirements, the appropriate EcoCsteam tool is selected and the final process determined. The EcoCsteam process can be successfully used, e.g.

  • for heavy parts cleaning, e. g. wind power gearboxes, locomotive engine blocks and bogies, heavy marine engines, slewing rings
  • for cleaning of mechanical parts, e. g. automotive parts (cylinder heads, housings, camshafts, connecting rods), stamped parts
  • for plastic parts cleaning, e. g. plastic containers, composite parts
  • for continuous cleaning of profiles

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