High Purity component cleaning is essential to ensure the removal of microscopic contaminants that are critical to high-tech industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, precision optics, aerospace, laser, scientific-metrology, and other high-tech components. Recognizing the changing and industry-specific requirements of industrial parts cleaning, the SBS Ecoclean Group has added new products and services to its portfolio of cleaning machines and systems designed specifically for High Purity cleaning applications. Our state-of-the-art solutions for High Purity applications are made visible to our customers in our High Purity Test Center in Dettingen-Teck, Germany – one of our 15 existing Technology Centers worldwide. This facility has been created to carry out cleaning trials on high-tech components with the highest cleanliness requirements.
Making High Purity cleaning visible
Customers can experience our solutions in a realistic environment at our High Purity Test Center. It consists of a total of five cleaning systems specially equipped for High Purity cleaning tasks. These systems cover all the technologies, media and processes required for wet chemical parts cleaning. The benefits: up-front assessment of process requirements and cleaning results in advance, as well as an individually designed and optimized cleaning process for each component.
To learn more about our High Purity Test Center and the critical role of High Purity in component cleaning for cutting-edge industries, just have a look at our behind-the-scenes video. For key insights, and a guided tour through our facility:Watch now!